I wanted to highlight a few of my favorite homeowner items. This list comprises of all the products that make my home feel more like home! Check out some of my favorite home must-haves that won’t fail you in your new home!
Pura Air Diffuser
Personalize every detail of your home scenting experience from your phone. The Pura smart fragrance diffuser pairs smart features and premium, clean fragrances to scent your home beautifully and easily.

Voluspa + Volcano Candles
I LOVE a nice candle, and these are my go-to. Two winners on this one, one each. Because, of course, I couldn’t decide which I liked better!
Custom Etsy Mat
If you have ever bought a house with me, you might already have one of these… I just love them so much, and they are made by this rockstar Etsy Shop owner… such a great way to add a little impact to your front door!
Mrs Meyers
Enjoy my favorite Mrs. Myers product, their Hand Soap, and a gift box of their products!
Custom Crab Mallets
You can’t live in MD without these, and I love how you can customize them! Do Summer crab feasts right with custom crab mallets.
Veuve Champagne & Glasses
These champagne glasses and a bottle of vague that should always be in your fridge “just in case ;).”
Ugg Slippers
The first thing I do when I get home is get in my comfies… starts with the slippers, and I love these because they have a rubber sole so you can run out to grab the mail or walk the dog in them!
Freakshow Wine
A great bottle of Red- my favorite is Freakshow, the label is fun and the wine is fab!
Nest Thermostat
The perfect way to keep the right temp at your home even when you are away.. Easy to install and easy to use on your phone (trust me, if i can do it anyone can!!).
Ring Doorbell
I’ll be honest, I love the meme videos almost as much as I love the actual doorbell. Knowing when the Amazon packages arrive before your husband gets home makes this a staple in any household!